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Showing posts from July, 2013

Sebelum n selepas Premium Beautiful

Hi olls.. Today rse nk share about my own testimonials wearing Premium Beautiful corset..bukan ape, kadang2 ade customer yg tny confirm ke boleh kurus..tgk mcm korset biase jek..yg ni mhl sgt katenye..rm200 pon boleh dpt..n ade yg sgt negatif tu boleh perli-perli pulak ckp ala bli mhl2, bukan boleh kurus pon...Ingat ye olls, kuasa penyembuh, nk bg kurus ke sihat ke, tu sume di tangan Allah..kt hny boleh berusaha dan leave it to Allah tentukan..salah sekiranya kita ingat ubt yg kt mkn tu buat kt sihat..its actually, Allah yg sembuhkan kita melalui ubat reset ur mind..for me, I told people about this corset before its works on me and I hope that I cn help others who hv same problems like niat is to GLAM, we r not teach to be pksa our client to buy..its not our want, then you cari us..then we share..haa pnjg dh mak jemah ni membebebl..hehe.. So, kt sini I just nk kongsi ttg perubahan yg I rse before and after wearing PB.. so plz

Cara Pemakaian Premium Beautiful Corset

Salam, hi ollss... Today I nk share about pemakaian Premium Beautiful Corset yang betul..yelah..ade customer yang jauh kat luar negara nuun cmne I nak tolong ajar pakaikan kan..Actually senang je pemakaian corset ni..soo kalau dgr2 premium beautiful corset susah nak pakai ke, boleh mem'bunuh' ke, sume tu mitos je..hehe.. Step 1: Pakai Long Girdle picture taken from pakcik Google..hehe. cara nak pakai Long Girdle ye.. 1. Anda lipat bahagian atas dan bahagian kaki bawah girdle, bila dah lipat, so process nak pakai tu jadi senang 2. Sarung girdle tersebut..kalau rasa susah boleh sarung girdle tu sambil duduk, x kire la atas kerusi ke katil ke..utk first timer, mmg rs susah sikit sebab x serasi dgn bdn lagi kan..baru keluar dai plastik..hehe..nway, if I pakaikan kt client, I minta client bukak kaki luas2 n joget2 sikit..kemudian tarik bahagian bawah yg mcm jaring tu betul2 kemas bawah miss V kt ye.. 3. Ok, now proses alihkan lemak bahagian pinggul

Iftar bersama kawan SMKASAS ukhwah 10 tahun masih terjalin..

Dear are you.,now we are at the 8th of Ramadhan..Alhamdulillah..sure u alls sgt excited when the time comes for iftar rite?..ingat ye kwn2, jgn mkn berlebihan sgt masa berbuka puasa..nnt x larat pulak nk solat maghrib n a 'ular sawa' yg kekenyangan..dan jgn pula membazir.. Anyway, actually today nak share story about my iftar with my secondary schoolmates..sekolah menengah kebangsaan agama sultan azlan shah, school ni situated at sri iskandar, perak. Actually x ramai pun hadir,about 4 family, mior with his wife,farhana n his son, amsyar, ibrahim with his wife,pija, they are like newly wed..hehe.. aslam with his wife which my schoolmate also, ummul and his son,amsyar..yes!!..ank mior and aslam share same name which is Amsyar..hehe..n me with my beloved huby, Zul hilmi n my lovely son, iqram rizqi.. This idea, iftar sama2, is actually when ibrahim send msj through WA lah, he said, berbuka puasa sorang2 because his wife, pija has to ba

Biozone for my baby, Iqram Rizqi

Hi beautiful mommies out there!! are you? umi to Iqram Rizqi ni nk share something that maybe will help all mommies to give the Best to their precious baby...   Have you heard about Biozone??pernah dgr x? this is the amazing thing that you should hv in your kitchen..jimat a lot need to search for sterilizer, food purifier, sanitizer because its all in one in Biozone!!..yelah, if you buy sterilizer tu its cost you more than me, I used to buy brand Autumz tuu..thats before I met Biozone lah kan.. when become a mommy, mesti we will search for sterilizer coz kt takut btol ank kt x bersih, xckup dgn cuci je kt cri sterilizer la all the sterilizer needs heat kan which is if kt letak kt tempat yg our child reacheable, must be dangerous kan..malang x berbau kan..dgn Biozone ni, senang heat..only use ozone in the tap water to eliminate bau asyamm botol anak tu plus kill of the heat applied..n kt pon tahu, bottle ank