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Sebelum n selepas Premium Beautiful

Hi olls..

Today rse nk share about my own testimonials wearing Premium Beautiful corset..bukan ape, kadang2 ade customer yg tny confirm ke boleh kurus..tgk mcm korset biase jek..yg ni mhl sgt katenye..rm200 pon boleh dpt..n ade yg sgt negatif tu boleh perli-perli pulak ckp ala bli mhl2, bukan boleh kurus pon...Ingat ye olls, kuasa penyembuh, nk bg kurus ke sihat ke, tu sume di tangan Allah..kt hny boleh berusaha dan leave it to Allah tentukan..salah sekiranya kita ingat ubt yg kt mkn tu buat kt sihat..its actually, Allah yg sembuhkan kita melalui ubat reset ur mind..for me, I told people about this corset before its works on me and I hope that I cn help others who hv same problems like niat is to GLAM, we r not teach to be pksa our client to buy..its not our want, then you cari us..then we share..haa pnjg dh mak jemah ni membebebl..hehe..

So, kt sini I just nk kongsi ttg perubahan yg I rse before and after wearing PB..

so plz look pic on ur right..this is me before wearing PB..mrs bam bam..mase ni my abg2 mmg kutuk me mother lah..gumuk la..yg paling I xthn is about perut buncit smpai peenah one day people asked me, 'pregnant ke?..owh..sampai mcmtu sekali..mse ni confident dri mmg low level lah..nk amek gmbr pon sgn2..huhu..but after 1 month try PB, (plz refer pic on ur left)..Alhamdulillah, perubahan yg sgt ketara..mse ni berat xla trun sgt but my lemak2 mcm dh ilang..bdn pon rse ringan..pinggang dh ade shape.,perut dh kurang buncit n paling penting..SAKIT BELAKANG DAH HILANGG!!..Alhamdulillah..Alhamdulillah.syukur

So ni la sy after almost 4 months wearing PB..I start pakai last April 2013..Alhamdulillah now I cn tke more pics for memory, level of confidence for dh naik..n my problems like backpain, periodpain, keputihan, lemak x terurus, perut buncit, Allah dh sembuhkan melalui PB..this is my efforts to jg kurniaan Allah ni..kesihatan n kecantikan..plz all women out there,sygi dri anda..jg anugrah Allah ni baik2..berbelanja lebih sikit utk kesihatan cz jika ada duit tp x sihat xde mkne..kan bgus if we cn hv both??..

Ok, tq for ur time to read my enty..again,I just sharing..I know that mybe PB works on me but I also believe that PB can help others shaa Allah..

So anyone yg nk FREE FITTING PREMIUM BEAUTIFUL, can contact me at;)


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