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Hanis Haizi & GLAM..turning point...

EVeryone has their own dreams n do I..I always tried to think a way how to improve n help my hubby to increase the income..n now..I hv found it..Hanis Haizi n sis Hayati Musa took me to her academy for the 1st Taman Tun Dr the story began...♡:)
At GLAM,i hv no ideas how they will brief the members..but soo many people inside n i hv to sit behind the door.but its ok coz I'm very excited..hehe..
see u many of them right??..i told u before..:D
see u olls..there is a leader..Hanis inspired by
her..ooppsss..see the 'chanel brooch'!!..she is so glam..i wanna be like shaa Allah..6 figure income!!..oh dear, i'll be no idea how to spend that much...but everybody can be like her..she said..'work till the limit'!!!..

wanna know more, email me♡♥


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