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Semua orang ingin berjaya, so kita mestilah MAHU dan TAHU bagaimana kt sini I nk share with my dearies..;)

How to be in the RIGHT group! 

There are many groups out there. 

You can't deny that some are more successful than others. 

So Why GLAM? 

Green Leaders Academy Malaysia also known as GLAM 
is the leading pioneer in online marketing in Malaysia. 

GLAM is also responsible for the revolution 
in the way network marketing is done today. 

GLAM has put the name of Premium Beautiful 
where it is today on GOOGLE. 

We are everywhere, from blogs to Facebook (Malaysia has the highest ranking for Facebook user!!), Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, Google+ and the more recent Keek. So we actually work from HOME!!..Sangat mudah kan?? 

Instagram Hanis Haizi

We have proven that we are GLAMourous 
but we are also highly RESULT ORIENTED 

and is the 1st group to have establish training in online marketing & social media marketing techniques. (Mentor will guide protege till success,ape yang penting, KERJASAMA!!) 

free coaching with Hanis Haizi

With over 200 Diamonds under our wings, 
these numbers are growing. 

We are proud with the successes of our business partners.
Celebrating over 20 Crown Diamonds in a span of just 3 years. 

Our travel track record for the past 3 years (yang ni FOC ye syg2 sekalian) :- 

Perth & Switzerland
10 Qualifiers 

Hong Kong
60 Qualifiers (2 bus) 

Holland & Belgium 
50 Qualfiers (1 bus) 

100 Qualfiers (1 flight) 

150 Qualifiers (1.5 flight) 

Paris & London 
100 Qualifiers 

Shanghai? Insya-Allah more! 

GLAM were chosen to represent our company 
for Bella Awards and Bella Talk Show:-

Hanis Haizi, Maisarah Ibrahim, Naa Kamaruddin, Sha Khalid, 
Nur Faziha & Shaliza Aziz (free coaching from them,amazing right??) 

Not only are we all over Malaysia, 
but we have expanded into GLAM Qatar, GLAM United Kingdom, GLAM Singapore & GLAM Brunei. 

We have GLOBAL presence 

We represented the company during Diamond Night 2012 and Guangzhou Gala Dinner to give speech in front of 7,000 people 

We have been featured in numerous publications and national TV
Berita Harian, Utusan, Majalah Nur, Hijabista, Intrend, Nona, Harmoni, TV9 & NTV7 

This is why...
We are GLAMpreneurs! 

Leaders who know how to talk the talk 
and know how to walk the walk! 

You could be next!
Take the next step and be part of our team today!

Find out more now why you should be a part of GLAM. Anyone can be successful and GLAMour..;)

To all our clients, friends, families & business partners who made it all possible.

Thank you for making us No. 1 in Malaysia. 

Ok dearies, so now you all faham kan why I choose GLAM, kat sini I nk kongsi FAQ when someone yg nk start business, ni la soalan2 yang biasa org tny;

Nak wat business mesti nk kene ada modal kan?
Of course la dear,mana2 bisnes pon msti nk ada modal, jual kain ke, tudung ke, sume kene ade modal, so ingat x ayat ni WHAT YOU GIVE, YOU GET BACK.

Boleh berjaya ke mcm cdm Hanis tuu?
In Shaa Allah dearies, Allah akan bg rewards for those yang berusaha n berani berubah, Hanis Haizi, bisnes moghul Malaysia tu start dari housewife je but now income dia 250K taw!!..;)

Bisnes ni halal ke?
Alhamdulillah, bisnes ni dh ade compliance syariah my dearies.boleh tgk kt website suruhanjaya security Malaysia. rzki HALAL untuk ank2 n keluarga kita. Bila PRODUK BERKUALITI, CUSTOMER PUAS HATI SO BUSINESS CONFIRM MENJADI.

Setiap persoalan ada jawapan. in shaa Allah.

so to all Dearies,

Contact me @ for more details on GLAM..;)


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