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What and How F.I.R on Premium Beautiful works...

Hi my beautiful ladies..

I guessed most of us already know the existence of this Premium Beautiful Corset and the technology of F.I.R used. Some of us thought that its may be just 'omongan kosong'..of course it is not because you will never know until you tried it my dear.

What is F.I.R?

F.I R or Far Infrared Ray is a natural rays of light energy that hidden from sight because they are just below what we humans can see as color. It is not important whether you can see it or not but we must know how vital this natural light energy to our health and longevity. Allah has created this natural rays for His ummah..You already know that our body is made-up of billions of individual cells.So, this rays has a direct and positive influence on the functioning of cells. This rays help to improve the metabolic health of individual.

So, how F.I.R works?

1. F.I.R will penetrate the skin, they come into contact with protein, collagen and fats, by stimulating micro-vibrations far infra-red cause a thermal reaction which elevates tissue temperatures. This reaction caused blood vessels and capillaries to dilate, promoting a better blood circulation. Moreover, the heat produced during the reaction helps to get rid of body toxins and metabolics wastes. So dearies, kat sini la F.I.R membantu melancarkan perjalanan darah dan membantu badan membuang toksik dari badan melalui urine atau peluh. Its help our body to speed up the process of DETOXIFICATION!!!..amazing rite..;)

2. F.I.R can helps to relieves pain due to expanding blood vessels and increasing circulation. Better circulation allows more oxygen to reach injured areas and helps reduce pain, and also speed up the healing process. This F.I.R therapy really works on those who has arthritis,rheumatism and muscle spasms. If you have this problem, just put PB on you pain area.

3. F.I.R also can help to control weight whereby perspiring which is part of the complex thermoregulatory process in the body that increases the heart rate, cardiac output and metabolic rate. The process required a lot of energy and reduces excess moisture, salt and subcutaneous fat. The body will remove out the fats and toxins which will be absorbed by Premium Beautiful fabrics. But dearies, jgn risau if dearies fikir badan akan panas dan berpeluh kerana fabric Premium Beautiful made up from akwatek and akwadyne dimana jenis fabrik ini adalah thermoregulated iaitu pada suhu yang sejuk, ia akan memanaskan badan dan sebaliknya..;)

So its that  answer your questions regarding F.I.R?..Interested to know more?..kindly contact me @ for free fitting and consultation...



  1. Kak nanie..yana la cre psl iqram.ske bce cte psl dak bam2 tu.btw,ble nk bwk iqram dtg melwt p su n m su die kt cni?hehe


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