Hi beautiful mommies out there!!..how are you?..today umi to Iqram Rizqi ni nk share something that maybe will help all mommies to give the Best to their precious baby...
Have you heard about Biozone??pernah dgr x?..ok..so this is the amazing thing that you should hv in your kitchen..jimat a lot taw..no need to search for sterilizer, food purifier, sanitizer because its all in one in Biozone!!..yelah, if you buy sterilizer tu its cost you more than rm100..like me, I used to buy brand Autumz tuu..thats before I met Biozone lah kan..
when become a mommy, mesti we will search for sterilizer coz kt takut btol ank kt x bersih, xckup dgn cuci je kan..so kt cri sterilizer la kan..tp all the sterilizer needs heat kan which is if kt letak kt tempat yg our child reacheable, must be dangerous kan..malang x berbau kan..dgn Biozone ni, senang sgt..no heat..only use ozone in the tap water to eliminate bau asyamm botol anak tu plus kill of the bacteria..no heat applied..n kt pon tahu, bottle ank kt made up from plastic, so plastic if introduce to heat, mmg akan keluarkan bhn kimia yg sgt MERBAHAYA dkt ank kita..lain la if you use glass bottle kan..
So, use Biozone to sterilize our baby bottles is the best choice...morever, we can purify fruits, vegetables, chicken, meat...raw material skrg ni not safe dah..ayam tu dh kne cucuk dgn antibiotik, vegetables lagi la terang2 kene sembur dgn racun serangga..purify ni mksudnye kt bersihkan semua bhn kimia, bakteria dgn ozone..sng sgt..and the most important we cn give SAFE FOODS to our children kan..
Biozone jugak boleh digunakan sebagai air purifier, sanitize our baby toys, soother, teether..and mcm2 lg lah kegunaan Biozone ni..so enjoy the pics ye;
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