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Sale Manager Award..kejayaan pertamaku

Salam..hi ollss..

Alhamdulillah..x sbr rsanya nk share dgn my lovely readers bout my success in GLAM..tanggal 24 Ogos 2013 sgt bermakna dlm hidup when 1st time naik ke pentas untuk terima Sale Manager award..feeling2 mcm graduation day plak..dah 3 tahun rsenye last naik pentas for konvo degree n dh beranak satu pun dpt naik pentas lg..hehe..if nk hrpkan event mcm ni utk kerje hakiki mmg xla kan..tema pon xikut ape tah lg bab2 naik pentas dlm business dgn GLAM ni everyone ade peluang ni.. mcm dlm cite Transformer; no sacrifice no victory, tp me nk ubah sikit, 'NO TRY, NO VICTORY..;)..

Ok, actually now nk story mory about my SM Award event me cite based on pic la ye..bru best..hehe..

orait pic ni me dgn my business partner aka my schoolmate..sgt komited orgnye..dtg from Muar just to join me and amek aura cos she will be the next yg akan naik pentas for her award n morever, she will get her 1st bonus RM4500 next month u olls !!!!

 and ofcourse lah si kecik Iqram Rizqi ni mmg akan ade je lah..yelah me as Glampreneur n Mumpreneur, so thats the beautiful of this biz..anak2,suami n famili boleh jd part of this team..xde masalah..tq anak n my lovely husbnd Zul Hilmi for ur love n with me x kire ape pon..LOVE BOTH OF U..MUAHH!!!

Hehe ni my biz partner Hafizah Aris, a teacher..Oh My u dear

 ha ni me and my reunion plak..actually yg tepi skali tu, she is my schoolmate, Munirah aka org yg tlg mke up kan me n fiza...make up retisss uuu..proud of her..n moreover dia ada buat package mkeup and bridal..antara artis yg dia pernah makeup, Tiz Zaqiah, Adira AF tu n bnyk lg...

 Haa kan  me dah bgtau, I use make up artist taw for SM award my fren, Munirah with Adira AF tu

 If u olls nk my fren ni make up kan, boleh tgk blog dia atau fb dia Icey Juliet..hasil make up dia sgt superbbb..hehe

 ni hasil me lepas make up..hehe

 for event ni me choose mke up yg x heavy sgt..n me like so much with make up ni..hehe..n my son asyik nk kiss umi dia je..hahaha..xtaw la nape??..;p

now story mory bout my dress pulak, ni dress my fren jugak buat, fb dia u olls boleh cari Tims' Collection..sgt sedap dipakai n material from 'icewash' thats mean kain yg xpns n sejuk..selesa sgt2..

For this event, I use my frens for dress n make up because this is cara I appreciate their artwork n morever they are young enterpreneur same like ME..hehe

 owh thats ME!!! atas pentas with our General Manager, Mr Teo.. shaa Allah more success will come..wish me luck!!!..pic credit to Hafiz Atan pictures..photographer for artis jugak ni..hehe

And for special part of this entry..This is the person yg banyak guide me to be successful GLAMpreneur, CDM Hanis Haizi..terima kasih atas ilmu dan tunjuk ajar untuk menjadi lebih berjaya..terima kasih sgt2..

So inilah kami THE GLAMPRENEURS aka HANIS HAIZI PROTEGE!! part of in the RIGHT TEAM!!


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