Assalamualaikum..hi dearies!!..lmnyerr x berblog ni ha..Alhamdulillah,awal bulan Jun yg lepas,berkesempatan laa melancong ke tempat org..actually pg atas urusan kerja..anyway,tempt yg me pg tu is Korea!!..hehe dptla jumpe PSY tp x amek gmbr sbb x bape minat ;p
Ok actually nk share tips2 ktorng (me n kwn2)survive kt sn tu..for ur information,kos kt sn agk mahal..sob3..nnt me share about currency exchange ya..ok dah gmbr pun susu,so lets kt story morry..
Actually gmbr ni is Banana Milk atau org kt pnggil susu pisang..ade mcm2 perisa tp me rs yg ni la depa dok kata famous amos drink dh nmnyer tmpt ni kos dia mhl,opkoss la mknn halal pun mhl..udah la susah nk cr mknn my 1st tips nk share is,bila u all jln2 kt sn nnt,n korang rs lapar,cr susu ni buat lapik perut..hrga dlm rm1000=rm3/botol cmtu..mmg boleh knyg..biasa kedai serbaneka mcm sevenE mmg ade.mybe beza kt hrga je..ok my dearies!! Selamat mencuba!! ;)
EVeryone has their own dreams n do I..I always tried to think a way how to improve n help my hubby to increase the income..n now..I hv found it..Hanis Haizi n sis Hayati Musa took me to her academy for the 1st Taman Tun Dr the story began...♡:) At GLAM,i hv no ideas how they will brief the members..but soo many people inside n i hv to sit behind the door.but its ok coz I'm very excited..hehe.. see u many of them right??..i told u before..:D see u olls..there is a leader..Hanis inspired by her..ooppsss..see the 'chanel brooch'!!..she is so glam..i wanna be like shaa Allah..6 figure income!!..oh dear, i'll be no idea how to spend that much...but everybody can be like her..she said..'work till the limit'!!!.. wanna know more, email me♡♥
cepat la aini share tips masa ke korea..tak sabar nk baca hehehe